Confessions Of A Writeaholic

February 2, 2009

Do Celebrities Have A Positive Or Negative Effect On Society?

Filed under: Social Issues — Julie Wein @ 6:13 pm

While many celebrities have a negative effect on society, just as many have a positive effect. You can’t make the blanket statement that all celebrities either have a positive effect on society or a negative one. You have to take it on a case-by-case basis. 

Paris Hilton, for example, has a negative effect on society, as does Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Mischa Barton, and many others.  Celebrities such as Reese Witherspoon, Beyonce, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Susan Sarandon, and many others do charitable work and do in fact have a positive effect on society.

Truth be told, celebrities and everything they do are so scrutinized in today’s media that they are held to such high standards that no human being could achieve.  These celebrities can only positively or negatively effect our society if we allow them to. If the media didn’t focus so much on the negative things that many celebrities do, they would not have such a negative effect on society, because we wouldn’t know about all the terrible things they’ve done. But the media just pushes and pushes until these poor celebrities can’t take it anymore. No wonder they are driven to such negative behavior. The more the media follows them, the worse their behavior gets.

Rather than focusing on the celebrities that are a positive influence on society, the media focuses on the ones that negatively influence society, which just fuels the fire even more. Let’s face it, bad celebrity behavior is what makes the news and sells the tabloids, so naturally more attention is given to the negative behavior of celebrities. Think of 10 celebrities that have a bad reputation in Hollywood and 10 celebrities that have a good reputation. Don’t be surprised if you come up with the list of celebrities that have a bad reputation before you can think of all even one that has a good one. We can thank the gossip shows/websites and tabloid magazines for that. Our media focuses far too much on the negative and not nearly enough on the positive. As a result, the negative people in Hollywood have much more influence over society than the positive people do. This is one of the major problems we have in today’s society. We focus too much on the bad and not enough on the good. Hopefully that will change sometime soon, for all our sakes.

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